December 28, 2010

Happy Healthy Holiday Eating

Holiday time! For most of us it means relaxing, parties, outing and permission to eat anything and everything. People often forget the concept of a healthy diet and exercise during holidays.

It is important to keep in mind that the amount of weight gained during holidays might be a few pounds, but it is difficult to shed these few pounds in the whole year after you set back in your routine working life. These pounds then accumulate in our bodies over years and lead to obesity and other health related problems.

Tips for health during holidays -
  • Parties are common during holidays so is alcohol consumption in parties. Alcohol accounts for lot of empty calories without supplying any other nutrients to the body. Cut down alcohol consumption as far as possible. But to give company to your friends is as much important.
    In that case carry just a glass of water with a slice of lemon or red wine or fresh lime soda from the start till the end of the party.
  • While going out for dinner with friends or before going to parties fill your stomach with healthy foods at home like a bowl of salad or fruits with low fat custard or plain popcorns. This way you won’t be tempted to eat anything and everything that comes in your way.
  • Along with the outings and parties during holidays, set some time aside daily for an exercise regime. This will help to maintain your weight which goes haywire most of the time during holidays.
  • If you’re eating in some restaurants, the choice is yours. Order healthy dishes like your favorite vegetable platter, or fruit salads. Instead of deep fried fish, meat or poultry try steamed fish or grilled chicken.
  • Go to places and parties which are important to you, just don’t drop in any party. Arrive late nearly at meal time so that the starting drinks, cakes and appetizers are missed.
  • After meals avoid grazing on other heavy desserts like ice creams, pastries, or puddings. For this you can stay away from the food tables, sip water or chew a sugar free gum after a meal.
  • Food will be the center of attraction during holidays, but diet should not be forgotten.
  • Have small servings of foods instead of just overeating wrong foods. Don’t deprive yourself from your favorite food, but at the same time don’t overindulge too.
Holiday time should be ideally spent to relax, meet friends and relatives, focus should be on this part instead of just grazing on food.


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